Ololosokwan is a Maasai village with a population of 6,000. Tourism is the major source of income for this region. While the Maasai still lead a predominantly traditional lifestyle, there are increasing challenges in terms of the importance of access to education, healthcare and clean water in the village. Many people live further out in smaller, more remote communities between five km and 20 km 3 to 12 miles away. Despite many challenges faced by this community the health care facility was identified as the main priority. People in this community were forced to travel to Wasso Hospital as the nearest bigger medical facility, 60km away, to seek medical assistance which wasn’t easily reachable especially during rainy seasons when the roads were impassable with flooding rivers. In 2000 Africa Foundation built a two-roomed clinic to serve the Serengeti Masai village of Ololosokwan and the surrounding communities, it also provided the community with necessary resources such as the ambulance and doctor’s salary to help the clinic operate smoothly. Despite all the support it became clear that the clinic was addressing a major need in the region, and a larger facility with additional equipment and staff was necessary. In 2006 Africa Foundation came on board once again and funded a construction of a ten room clinic, provided medical equipment and furniture for the clinic, also funded the solar installation as well as building the doctors accommodation on site. Recently the clinic was refurbished to meet with the department of health standards and the government has since employed 5 permanent staff for the clinic and provides constant medical supplies.
The lives of the community, mostly the children, has changed drastically, the clinic is well kept and thriving tending to an average of 100 patients per week. Children under 5 years of age receive the compulsory vaccination at Ololosokwan Clinic for Measles, Polio, Whooping Cough, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Hepatitis B and Tuberculosis. Prior to the opening of the clinic very few children in the area received these vaccinations. The notable decrease in child mortality in the region can be attributed to these vaccines and local access to treatment when a child suffers with diarrhea, allergic reactions and even malaria.